This job has perks

My job has some perks. I get to learn about history, meet great people, go to fun events, work in an historic old home, and on days like today I can walk for about 30 seconds and be in Susan B. Anthony Square Park.

Now as a rule, we don’t like to put words into Susan B.’s mouth–as no one really knows what she would have to say about modern issues–but today I just couldn’t help myself.

Susan B. and Frederick D.

Claire on a benchToday I took a break from data entry and surveyed the world from a recumbent position on a bench in the park. It is sixty-three degrees in early March, how could I not?

I hope you were able to enjoy the day today. If you’re nearby, I highly recommend a walk to the park.  For Geocachers, there’s a geocache hiding in plain sight in the above photo!

Okay–no more basking in the sun! Time to process some data.


View from the bench
Claire Hawley Zarcone
Administrative Assistant
Susan B. Anthony House
17 Madison Street
Rochester, NY 14608
585-279-7490 ext. 10

The Annual Birthday Luncheon: Behind the Scenes

Well, starting a blog right before our biggest event of the year was a great way to lapse in updating it for a while! We’re finally starting to catch up after a very successful luncheon celebrating Susan B. Anthony’s 192nd birthday.

From my perspective the luncheon went very smoothly. Our team seemed to run like a well-oiled machine. I hardly even saw any of the other staff during the event because we were all so busy doing our own tasks.

Nametag TablesThe days before the luncheon I worked non-stop to acquire names of attendees from sponsors, table captains, and individual seat purchasers so I could enter them into our database and assign them to tables.  The Monday before the luncheon I output all of this precious information and printed out about 900 name tags which the amazing Friends of the Susan B. Anthony House spent all afternoon assembling for me.  Then two hours before the luncheon began, a bevy of volunteers and I set about the task of laying out all the name tags for attendees to pick up on their wayEmpire Ballroom in.   As guests poured in, there didn’t seem to be too many problems or bottlenecks, so I consider the job a success.

Meanwhile, other House staff and volunteers were setting up all of the tables, placing 90 table cards, laying out 900 programs, 900 donation cards and 900 pens.

At the same time still more staff and volunteers were setting up the museum shop and the Nursing Friends of Susan B. Anthony display.

While all of our set-up was happening we also had Marc Hamilton from Hamilton AV setting up the audio visual equipment.  Again this year, we had closed captioning set up in the Convention Center, and a webcast for out of town donors and members.

This doesn’t even bring into account the wonderful work all of the Rochester Riverside Convention Center staff put in! I am totally impressed every year by how deftly they manage to serve so many people so efficiently.

Did you know that all of this and more happened behind the scenes? I know before I participated in this kind of event planning, I never put much thought into what goes into it.

One thing I feel the need to emphasize, is that we love this! It is hard work, but it is so wonderful to throw a party for our friends. And for me it is a joy to be able to put faces and personalities to all of you whose names I see as I work in our database or whose voices I hear on the telephone!  So if I met you or crossed paths with you at all on Wednesday, it was wonderful to meet you or see you again, and if you didn’t make it to the luncheon, I hope to see you there next year!

I’ll tell you, when I had a small gathering at my house last weekend, after this luncheon for 900 a party for 12 sure felt like a breeze!

Claire Hawley Zarcone
Administrative Assistant
Susan B. Anthony House
17 Madison Street
Rochester, NY 14608
585-279-7490 ext. 10

Things are Hopping at the House

There’s always so much happening at the Anthony House. This new blog will give all of you a window to it all!

What going on right now? Everything!

Arild RemmereitOur biggest event of the year is happening in just two and a half weeks–the Annual Birthday Luncheon! This year we will be Celebrating Women of Note with keynote speaker, Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Music Director, Arild Remmereit. There was a write up in the Democrat and Chronicle yesterday afternoon. If you think it sounds interesting–I do!–we’re still taking reservations.

SBAH After School Program, Director and ChildrenBut we’re not just preparing for the Luncheon here. The daily running of the Museum and organization continues. Today, Annie, our Director of Programs and Visitor Services, will take the children from our after school program to tour the Monroe County Public Safety Laboratory. I wish I could go!  They only do tours one afternoon a month and take reservations far in advance. Those are some lucky kids. However, if you’re interested in our county crime lab, Administrator of the laboratory, Janet Anderson-Seaquist, will be the speaker at the Friends of the Susan B. Anthony House Lunch in April. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s still January, but if you’re a planner, you can actually already reserve your spot here.

I meant to make only a summary update, but there’s always so much fun stuff going on here, it’s hard to keep it short.

Welcome to our new blog! I hope to keep it updated with tidbits from life here on the inside at the Susan B. Anthony House!

Claire Hawley Zarcone
Administrative Assistant
Susan B. Anthony House
17 Madison Street
Rochester, NY 14608
585-279-7490 ext. 10